Reunion (Redemption) by Karen Kingsbury, Gary Smalley
Reunion (Redemption) by Karen Kingsbury, Gary Smalley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A fresh new look for the best-selling series from America’s number-one inspirational novelist, Karen Kingsbury. Fans will enjoy a personal note from Karen and Gary Smalley as well as discussion questions for book group use. Revisit the Baxter family in all their life-changing events, or share the series with someone who hasn’t discovered it yet.The Redemption series won Christian Retailing’s 2005 Retailer’s Choice Award for Best Series! In addition, Reunion was a 2005 Gold Medallion Award finalist!
This touching story allows us to see into the lives of the Baxter family as Erin and Sam attempt to adopt a child. As the family looks forward to a heartwarming reunion, they find out that Mr. and Mrs. Baxter have a secret that could change their lives forever.
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